Extract action items


Use LeMUR to generate a list of action items from a transcript


This endpoint expects an object.
answer_formatstringOptionalDefaults to Bullet Points

How you want the action items to be returned. This can be any text. Defaults to “Bullet Points”.

contextstring or map from strings to anyOptional

Context to provide the model. This can be a string or a free-form JSON value.


The model that is used for the final prompt after compression is performed.


Custom formatted transcript data. Maximum size is the context limit of the selected model, which defaults to 100000. Use either transcript_ids or input_text as input into LeMUR.

max_output_sizeintegerOptionalDefaults to 2000

Max output size in tokens, up to 4000


The temperature to use for the model. Higher values result in answers that are more creative, lower values are more conservative. Can be any value between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.

transcript_idslist of stringsOptional

A list of completed transcripts with text. Up to a maximum of 100 files or 100 hours, whichever is lower. Use either transcript_ids or input_text as input into LeMUR.


This endpoint returns an object.

The ID of the LeMUR request


The response generated by LeMUR.


The usage numbers for the LeMUR request
