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Ask questions about your audio data

In this guide, you'll learn how to use LeMUR to ask questions and get answers about your audio data.


If you want a Quickstart, see Apply LLMs to audio files.

Before you start

To use LeMUR, you need an with a credit card set up.

With the LeMUR Task, you can send any prompt to the LLM and apply the model to your transcribed audio files.

Basic Q&A example

To ask question about your audio data, define a prompt with your questions and call transcript.lemur.task(). The underlying transcript is automatically used as additional context for the model.

Example output

Based on the transcript, runner's knee is a condition characterized
by pain behind or around the kneecap. It is caused by overuse,
muscle imbalance and inadequate stretching. Symptoms include pain
under or around the kneecap and pain when walking.

Structured Q&A example

In this example, we will use an advanced prompt with a structured input question format and a structured XML response format.

First, define a list of aai.LemurQuestion objects. For each question, you can define additional context and specify either a answer_format or a list of answer_options.

Construct a formatted string to structure the questions from the LemurQuestion object. This includes the question text, optional context, an answer format, and any answer options.

Construct the formatted question string for all the questions within the list of aai.LemurQuestion objects.

Create a prompt with detailed instructions about how to answer the series of questions. The prompt also includes an XML template that should be used as response format.

Prompt the LeMUR model using transcript.lemur.task():

More Q&A prompt examples

Try any of these prompts to get started:

Question and answer

Answer any questions about your audio
"Identify any patterns or trends based on the transcript"

Closed-ended questions

Answer simple yes/no questions
"Did the customer express a positive sentiment in the phone call?"

Sentiment analysis

Assess the emotional sentiment of a conversation
"What was the emotional sentiment of the phone call?"

For more use cases and prompt examples, see LeMUR examples.

Improve the results

To improve the results, see the following resources: