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Transcript API reference

Create, retrieve, and delete transcripts.

Transcript object

The transcript resource is a JSON object that may contain several of the following properties, depending on the parameters used when the transcript was created.

Below you can find all available properties on the transcript object.

idstringThe unique identifier of your transcription
statusstringThe status of your transcription. queued, processing, completed, or error
language_codestringThe language of your audio file. Possible values are found in Supported languages. The default value is en_us.
audio_urlstringThe URL of the media that was transcribed
textstringThe textual transcript of your media file
wordsarrayAn array of temporally-sequential word objects, one for each word in the transcript. See Speech Recognition for more information.
utterancesarrayWhen dual_channel or speaker_labels is enabled, a list of turn-by-turn utterance objects. See Speaker Diarization for more information.
confidencefloatThe confidence score for the transcript, between 0.0 (low confidence) and 1.0 (high confidence)
audio_durationfloatThe duration of this transcript object's media file, in seconds
punctuatebooleanWhether Automatic Punctuation was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
format_textbooleanWhether Text Formatting was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
dual_channelbooleanWhether Dual channel transcription was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
speech_modelstringThe speech model used for the transcription, if a speech model was specified.
webhook_urlstringThe URL to which we send webhooks upon trancription completion, if provided in the transcription request
webhook_status_codenumberThe HTTP status code we received from your server when delivering your webhook, if a webhook URL was provided in the transcription request
webhook_authbooleanWhether webhook authentication details were provided in the transcription request
webhook_auth_header_namestringThe header name which should be sent back with webhook calls, if provided in the transcription request
auto_highlightsbooleanWhether Key Phrases was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
auto_highlights_resultobjectThe result of the Key Phrases model, if it was enabled during the transcription request. See Key Phrases for more information.
audio_start_fromintegerThe point in time, in milliseconds, in the file at which the transcription was started, if provided in the transcription request
audio_end_atintegerThe point in time, in milliseconds, in the file at which the transcription was terminated, if provided in the transcription request
word_boostarrayThe list of custom vocabulary to boost transcription probability for, if provided in the transcription request
boost_paramstringThe word boost parameter value, if provided in the transcription request
filter_profanitybooleanWhether Profanity Filtering was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
redact_piibooleanWhether PII Redaction was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
redact_pii_audiobooleanWhether a redacted version of the audio file was generated (enabled or disabled in the transcription request), either true or false. See PII Redaction for more information.
redact_pii_audio_qualitystringThe audio quality of the PII-redacted audio file, if enabled in the transcription request. See PII Redaction for more information.
redact_pii_policiesarrayThe list of PII redaction policies that were enabled, if PII Redaction is enabled. See PII Redaction for more information.
redact_pii_substringWhich replacement type was used to redact PII. See PII Redaction for more information.
speaker_labelsbooleanWhether Speaker Diarization was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
speakers_expectedintegerThe value for the speaker_expected parameter in the transcription request, if provided. See Speaker Diarization for more information.
content_safetybooleanWhether Content Moderation was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
iab_categoriesbooleanWhether Topic Detection was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
content_safety_labelsobjectThe results of the Content Moderation model, if it was enabled during the transcription request. See Content Moderation for more information.
iab_categories_resultobjectThe result of the Topic Detection model, if it was enabled during the transcription request. See Topic Detection for more information.
language_detectionbooleanWhether Automatic language detection was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
custom_spellingarrayThe custom spelling value passed in to the transcription request, if provided
auto_chaptersbooleanWhether Auto Chapters was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
summarizationbooleanWhether Summarization was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
summary_typestringThe type of summary generated, if Summarization was enabled in the transcription request
summary_modelstringThe Summarization model used to generate the summary, if Summarization was enabled in the transcription request
custom_topicsbooleanWhether custom topics was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
topicsarrayThe list of custom topics provided if custom topics was enabled in the transcription request
speech_thresholdnumberThe value submitted for speech_threshold in the transcription request, if used. Otherwise, null.
disfluenciesbooleanWhether the transcription of disfluences was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
sentiment_analysisbooleanWhether Sentiment Analysis was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
sentiment_analysis_resultsarrayAn array of results for the Sentiment Analysis model, if it was enabled during the transcription request. See Sentiment Analysis for more information.
entity_detectionbooleanWhether Entity Detection was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
entitiesarrayAn array of results for the Entity Detection model, if it was enabled during the transcription request. See Entity Detection for more information.
summarystringThe generated summary of the media file, if Summarization was enabled in the transcription request
throttledbooleanTrue while a request is throttled and false when a request is no longer throttled

Create a transcript

Create a transcript from an audio or video file that is accessible via a URL.

curl --request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY" \
--data '{
"audio_url": "",
"speaker_labels": true,
"auto_chapters": true

Body parameters

audio_urlstringThe URL of your media file to transcribe. Learn how to upload local files to obtain a URL in the Transcribing an audio file guide.Yes
language_codestringThe language of your audio file. Possible values are found in Supported languages. The default value is en_us.
punctuatebooleanEnable Automatic Punctuation, can be true or false
format_textbooleanEnable Text Formatting, can be true or false
dual_channelbooleanEnable Dual Channel transcription, can be true or false
speech_modelstringThe speech model to use for the transcription. See Select the speech model.
webhook_urlstringThe URL we should send webhooks to when your transcript is complete
webhook_auth_header_namestringDefaults to null. Optionally allows a user to specify a header name and value to send back with a webhook call for added security.
webhook_auth_header_valuestringDefaults to null. Optionally allows a user to specify a header name and value to send back with a webhook call for added security.
auto_highlightsbooleanEnable Key Phrases, either true or false
audio_start_fromintegerThe point in time, in milliseconds, to begin transcription from in your media file
audio_end_atintegerThe point in time, in milliseconds, to stop transcribing in your media file
word_boostarrayA list of custom vocabulary to boost transcription probability for. See Custom vocabulary for more details.
boost_paramstringThe weight to apply to words/phrases in the word_boost array; can be "low", "default", or "high"
filter_profanitybooleanFilter profanity from the transcribed text, can be true or false
redact_piibooleanRedact PII from the transcribed text using the Redact PII model, can be true or false
redact_pii_audiobooleanGenerate a copy of the original media file with spoken PII "beeped" out, can be true or false. See PII Redaction for more details.
redact_pii_audio_qualitystringControls the filetype of the audio created by redact_pii_audio. Currently supports mp3 (default) and wav. See PII Redaction for more details.
redact_pii_policiesarrayThe list of PII redaction policies to enable. See PII Redaction for more details.
redact_pii_substringThe replacement logic for detected PII, can be "entity_type" or "hash". See PII Redaction for more details.
speaker_labelsbooleanEnable Speaker Diarization, can be true or false
speakers_expectedintegerDefaults to null. Tells the speaker label model how many speakers it should attempt to identify, up to 10. See Speaker Diarization for more details.
content_safetybooleanEnable Content Moderation, can be true or false
content_safety_confidenceintegerThe confidence threshold for content moderation. Values must be between 25 and 100. See more details at the Content Moderation model.
iab_categoriesbooleanEnable Topic Detection, can be true or false
language_detectionbooleanWhether Automatic language detection was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false
custom_spellingarrayCustomize how words are spelled and formatted using to and from values. See Custom spelling for more details.
disfluenciesbooleanTranscribe Filler Words, like "umm", in your media file; can be true or false
sentiment_analysisbooleanEnable Sentiment Analysis, can be true or false
auto_chaptersbooleanEnable Auto Chapters, can be true or false
summarizationbooleanEnable Summerization, can be true or false.
If you specify one of summary_model and summary_type, you also need to specify the other.
summary_modelstringThe model to summarize the transcript. See more details at the Summerization model.
summary_typestringThe type of summary. See more details at the Summerization model.
entity_detectionbooleanEnable Entity Detection, can be true or false
speech_thresholdfloatDefaults to null. Reject audio files that contain less than this fraction of speech. Valid values are in the range [0,1] inclusive.


A successful response has a 200 status code and a application/json Content-Type.

The response contains a Transcript object.

Get a transcript

Get the transcript resource. The transcript is ready when the status is set to "completed".

curl --url "" \
--header "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

Path parameters

idID of the transcript.


A successful response has a 200 status code and a application/json Content-Type.

The response contains a Transcript object.

Get sentences in a transcript

Get the transcript split by sentences. The API will attempt to semantically segment the transcript into sentences to create more reader-friendly transcripts.

curl --url "" \
--header "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

Path parameters

idID of the transcript.


A successful response has a 200 status code and a application/json Content-Type.


Example response

Get paragraphs in a transcript

Get the transcript split by paragraphs. The API will attempt to semantically segment your transcript into paragraphs to create more reader-friendly transcripts.

curl --url "" \
--header "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

Path parameters

idID of the transcript.


A successful response has a 200 status code and a application/json Content-Type.


Example response

Get redacted audio for a transcript

Retrieve the redacted audio object containing the status and URL to the redacted audio.

curl --url "" \
--header "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

Path parameters

idID of the transcript.


A successful response has a 200 status code and a application/json Content-Type.

statusstringThe status of the redacted audio
redacted_audio_urlstringThe URL of the redacted audio file

Example response

Get subtitles for a transcript

Export your transcript in SRT or VTT format, to be plugged into a video player for subtitles and closed captions.

curl --url "" \
--header "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

Path parameters

idID of the transcript.
subtitle_formatThe format of the captions. Can be srt or vtt

Query parameters

chars_per_captionThe maximum number of characters per caption


A successful response has a 200 status code and a text/html Content-Type.

The response contains an SRT or VTT file.

Search for words in a transcript

Search through the transcript for a specific set of keywords. You can search for individual words, numbers, or phrases containing up to five words or numbers.

curl --url ",wildfires" \
--header "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

Path parameters

idID of the transcript.

Query parameters

wordsstringComma-separated list of keywords to search for.


A successful response has a 200 status code and a application/json Content-Type.

List transcripts

Retrieves a paginated list of transcripts you've created.

curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY'

Query parameters

limitLimits the number of results to return in a single responseMust be between 1 and 200, inclusive, with a default value of 10
statusFilters transcripts by their statusMust be one of the following values: queued, processing, completed, or error
created_onReturns only transcripts that were created on a specific dateMust be in the format YYYY-MM-DD
before_idReturns transcripts that were created before a specific transcript IDMust be a valid transcript ID
after_idReturns transcripts that were created after a specific transcript IDMust be a valid transcript ID
throttled_onlyReturns only throttled transcripts, regardless of their statusMust be either true or false


A successful response has a 200 status code and a application/json Content-Type.


A successful response is paginated, with a maximum of 200 transcripts per page.

Since transcripts are sorted from newest to oldest, prev_url always points to a page with older transcripts.

transcripts[i].idThe ID of the transcript.
transcripts[i].resource_urlThe URL to fetch the complete information for this transcript.
transcripts[i].statusThe current status of the transcript.
transcripts[i].createdThe date and time the transcript was created.
transcripts[i].completedThe date and time the transcript was completed, if applicable.
transcripts[i].audio_urlThe audio URL that was submitted in the initial POST request when creating the transcript.

Example response

Listing deleted transcripts

If you delete a transcript, the audio URL will no longer be available via the historical endpoint, and the audio_url key will show "deleted by user".

Delete a transcript

By default, AssemblyAI doesn't store a copy of the files you submit to the API for transcription. However, the transcription itself is stored in our encrypted database so that we can serve it to you and your application.

Once a transcript is deleted, all sensitive information associated with it'll be permanently deleted from our system. However, certain metadata such as the transcript ID and audio duration remain stored for billing purposes.

Destructive operation

Exercise caution when deleting transcripts, as this action can't be undone. If you have any questions, please contact our support team for assistance.

curl \
--request DELETE \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY'

Path parameters

idID of the transcript.


A successful response has a 200 status code and a application/json Content-Type.

The response contains a Transcript object.