Transcribe audio


Create a transcript from a media file that is accessible via a URL.


This endpoint expects an object.

The URL of the audio or video file to transcribe.


The point in time, in milliseconds, to stop transcribing in your media file


The point in time, in milliseconds, to begin transcribing in your media file

auto_chaptersbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Enable Auto Chapters, can be true or false

auto_highlightsbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Enable Key Phrases, either true or false

Allowed values: lowdefaulthigh

How much to boost specified words

content_safetybooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Enable Content Moderation, can be true or false

content_safety_confidenceintegerOptional>=25<=100Defaults to 50

The confidence threshold for the Content Moderation model. Values must be between 25 and 100.

custom_spellinglist of objectsOptional

Customize how words are spelled and formatted using to and from values

custom_topicsbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Enable custom topics, either true or false

disfluenciesbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Transcribe Filler Words, like “umm”, in your media file; can be true or false

entity_detectionbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Enable Entity Detection, can be true or false

filter_profanitybooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Filter profanity from the transcribed text, can be true or false

format_textbooleanOptionalDefaults to true

Enable Text Formatting, can be true or false

iab_categoriesbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Enable Topic Detection, can be true or false


The language of your audio file. Possible values are found in Supported Languages. The default value is ‘en_us’.


The confidence threshold for the automatically detected language. An error will be returned if the language confidence is below this threshold. Defaults to 0.

language_detectionbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Enable Automatic language detection, either true or false.

multichannelbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Enable Multichannel transcription, can be true or false.

punctuatebooleanOptionalDefaults to true

Enable Automatic Punctuation, can be true or false

redact_piibooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Redact PII from the transcribed text using the Redact PII model, can be true or false

redact_pii_audiobooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Generate a copy of the original media file with spoken PII “beeped” out, can be true or false. See PII redaction for more details.

Allowed values: mp3wav

Controls the filetype of the audio created by redact_pii_audio. Currently supports mp3 (default) and wav. See PII redaction for more details.

redact_pii_policieslist of enumsOptional

The list of PII Redaction policies to enable. See PII redaction for more details.

Allowed values: entity_namehash

The replacement logic for detected PII, can be “entity_name” or “hash”. See PII redaction for more details.

sentiment_analysisbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Enable Sentiment Analysis, can be true or false

speaker_labelsbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Enable Speaker diarization, can be true or false


Tells the speaker label model how many speakers it should attempt to identify, up to 10. See Speaker diarization for more details.

Allowed values: bestnano

The speech model to use for the transcription.


Reject audio files that contain less than this fraction of speech. Valid values are in the range [0, 1] inclusive.

summarizationbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Enable Summarization, can be true or false

Allowed values: informativeconversationalcatchy

The model to summarize the transcript

Allowed values: bulletsbullets_verbosegistheadlineparagraph

The type of summary

topicslist of stringsOptional

The list of custom topics


The header name to be sent with the transcript completed or failed webhook requests


The header value to send back with the transcript completed or failed webhook requests for added security


The URL to which we send webhook requests. We sends two different types of webhook requests. One request when a transcript is completed or failed, and one request when the redacted audio is ready if redact_pii_audio is enabled.

word_boostlist of stringsOptional

The list of custom vocabulary to boost transcription probability for

dual_channelbooleanOptionalDefaults to falseDeprecated

Enable Dual Channel transcription, can be true or false.


Transcript created and queued for processing

idstringformat: "uuid"

The unique identifier of your transcript


The URL of the media that was transcribed

Allowed values: queuedprocessingcompletederror

The status of your transcript. Possible values are queued, processing, completed, or error.


Whether webhook authentication details were provided


Whether Key Phrases is enabled, either true or false


Whether PII Redaction is enabled, either true or false


Whether Summarization is enabled, either true or false


The language model that was used for the transcript


The acoustic model that was used for the transcript


The language of your audio file. Possible values are found in Supported Languages. The default value is ‘en_us’.


Whether Automatic language detection is enabled, either true or false


The confidence threshold for the automatically detected language. An error will be returned if the language confidence is below this threshold.


The confidence score for the detected language, between 0.0 (low confidence) and 1.0 (high confidence)

Allowed values: bestnano

The speech model to use for the transcription.


The textual transcript of your media file

wordslist of objectsOptional

An array of temporally-sequential word objects, one for each word in the transcript. See Speech recognition for more information.

utteranceslist of objectsOptional

When multichannel or speaker_labels is enabled, a list of turn-by-turn utterance objects. See Speaker diarization and Multichannel transcription for more information.


The confidence score for the transcript, between 0.0 (low confidence) and 1.0 (high confidence)


The duration of this transcript object’s media file, in seconds


Whether Automatic Punctuation is enabled, either true or false


Whether Text Formatting is enabled, either true or false


Transcribe Filler Words, like “umm”, in your media file; can be true or false


Whether Multichannel transcription was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false


The number of audio channels in the audio file. This is only present when multichannel is enabled.


The URL to which we send webhook requests. We sends two different types of webhook requests. One request when a transcript is completed or failed, and one request when the redacted audio is ready if redact_pii_audio is enabled.


The status code we received from your server when delivering the transcript completed or failed webhook request, if a webhook URL was provided


The header name to be sent with the transcript completed or failed webhook requests


An array of results for the Key Phrases model, if it is enabled. See Key phrases for more information.


The point in time, in milliseconds, in the file at which the transcription was started


The point in time, in milliseconds, in the file at which the transcription was terminated

word_boostlist of stringsOptional

The list of custom vocabulary to boost transcription probability for


The word boost parameter value


Whether Profanity Filtering is enabled, either true or false


Whether a redacted version of the audio file was generated, either true or false. See PII redaction for more information.

Allowed values: mp3wav

Controls the filetype of the audio created by redact_pii_audio. Currently supports mp3 (default) and wav. See PII redaction for more details.

redact_pii_policieslist of enumsOptional

The list of PII Redaction policies that were enabled, if PII Redaction is enabled. See PII redaction for more information.

Allowed values: entity_namehash

The replacement logic for detected PII, can be “entity_type” or “hash”. See PII redaction for more details.


Whether Speaker diarization is enabled, can be true or false


Tell the speaker label model how many speakers it should attempt to identify, up to 10. See Speaker diarization for more details.


Whether Content Moderation is enabled, can be true or false


An array of results for the Content Moderation model, if it is enabled. See Content moderation for more information.


Whether Topic Detection is enabled, can be true or false


The result of the Topic Detection model, if it is enabled. See Topic Detection for more information.

custom_spellinglist of objectsOptional

Customize how words are spelled and formatted using to and from values


Whether Auto Chapters is enabled, can be true or false

chapterslist of objectsOptional

An array of temporally sequential chapters for the audio file


The type of summary generated, if Summarization is enabled


The Summarization model used to generate the summary, if Summarization is enabled


The generated summary of the media file, if Summarization is enabled


Whether custom topics is enabled, either true or false

topicslist of stringsOptional

The list of custom topics provided if custom topics is enabled


Whether Sentiment Analysis is enabled, can be true or false

sentiment_analysis_resultslist of objectsOptional

An array of results for the Sentiment Analysis model, if it is enabled. See Sentiment Analysis for more information.


Whether Entity Detection is enabled, can be true or false

entitieslist of objectsOptional

An array of results for the Entity Detection model, if it is enabled. See Entity detection for more information.


Defaults to null. Reject audio files that contain less than this fraction of speech. Valid values are in the range [0, 1] inclusive.


True while a request is throttled and false when a request is no longer throttled


Error message of why the transcript failed


Whether Dual channel transcription was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false


Whether speed boost is enabled
