
Speech AI for Sales Intelligence Platforms: How to Use AI in 2023

Learn how a Speech AI system can improve your sales intelligence platform.

Speech AI for Sales Intelligence Platforms: How to Use AI in 2023

Sales intelligence platforms make it easier for sales organizations to automatically compile data, extract insights from that data, and drive efficiency in their operation.

Now, with advancements in AI technology, many businesses are harnessing the power of Speech AI to build a more valuable sales intelligence platform for their customers. With Speech AI, you can unlock insights hidden within hundreds of hours of audio and conversational data in the form of sales calls, demos, team meetings, and customer service conversations.

Below, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to leverage Speech AI for sales intelligence platforms and ways you can transform outdated workflows.

AI's Evolving Role in Sales Intelligence

The integration of Speech AI in sales intelligence platforms brings a massive shift in how sales teams can ultimately approach, engage, and convert prospects. AI has been used as a supplementary, nice-to-have tool for years now with simple solutions like lead scoring, prioritizing, integrations, and alerts. But with advancements in AI technology, Speech AI will become a powerful, non-negotiable building block for top sales intelligence platforms interested in standing out.

Here's a look at how Speech AI is revolutionizing sales intelligence platforms:

  • Voice and Speech Recognition: With Speech AI, sales calls can be transcribed, analyzed, and summarized in near real time. This aids in compliance and record-keeping and provides invaluable insights into customer interactions.
  • Personalized Outreach: AI models can analyze a prospect's behavior, preferences, and interactions to craft personalized outreach strategies. Whether it's the timing of a follow-up email or the content of a sales pitch, leveraging an AI system ensures that every interaction is tailored to the individual prospect's needs and interests.
  • Predictive Analytics: AI models, like Audio Intelligence, can sift through vast amounts of data to predict which leads will most likely convert into customers. By analyzing past behaviors, interactions, and sales patterns, Speech AI can provide sales teams with prioritized leads.
  • Sentiment Analysis: By analyzing the tone and content of communications, Speech AI can gauge the sentiment of prospects. This gives sales teams insights into how a potential customer feels about a product, service, or brand, enabling them to tailor their approach accordingly.

Speech AI is not just about automating tasks but about enhancing the quality of interactions, providing deep insights, and ensuring end users’ sales strategies are agile, informed, and effective.

Below, we'll dive deeper into how your sales intelligence platform can leverage a Speech AI system to unlock new opportunities for innovation.

How A Speech AI System Can Improve Your Sales Intelligence Platforms

Every interaction, every word spoken, and every sentiment expressed can be the difference between a successful deal and a missed opportunity for your end users. With a complete Speech AI system, you can build on top of AI models and boost your sales intelligence platform with new features and tools that enable your customers to digest and analyze voice data, streamline their operations, and move more quickly.

Here's how AssemblyAI's Speech AI system can improve your sales intelligence platform:

1. Analyze Hours of Audio Data

Leverage our state-of-the-art speech recognition model to transcribe hours of audio data.

Then extract audio intelligence data to quickly identify breaks in speech, patterns, common objections, and more from the transcription texts.

2. Use AI Summarization for Quick Analysis

Time is of the essence in sales. AI-generated summary tools built on top of AI summarization models remove the need for a manual analysis of data and, instead, provide concise overviews of lengthy calls, giving sales reps upfront information they need to immediately follow up and take action.

With AI summaries, sales organizations can review key points and prepare for follow-up conversations.

3. Collect Insights with Sentiment Analysis

Build tools that dive deep into the nuances of a discussion, gauging a caller’s overall sentiment. This provides invaluable insights into a prospect's concerns, interests, and potential objections.

With Audio Intelligence models like Sentiment Analysis, you can extract this information more quickly.

Regularly reviewing sentiment analysis reports helps your users better tailor their pitches. If a particular segment of the pitch consistently elicits negative sentiments, it lets the user know it's time to re-evaluate and adjust.

4. Transcribe in Real Time

With AssemblyAI, sales teams can get real-time transcriptions of their calls. This not only aids in maintaining accurate records but also allows for immediate analysis and strategy adjustments.

Users can have real-time transcriptions during sales meetings to highlight key points, ensuring no crucial detail is missed. This can be especially useful when discussing complex products or services.

5. Recap Action Items from Calls

Use a Summarization model to automatically identify and list action items from a call to give your users’ sales reps a clear roadmap for follow-ups and next steps.

After each call, your users can easily review the list of action items and integrate them into the CRM or task management system. This ensures timely follow-ups and keeps the sales process moving smoothly.

6. Request Feedback and Areas for Improvement

Create a Custom Task that analyzes your customers’ calls to find areas for improvement. It might let them know where things went wrong (or right) and give them actionable advice on refining their approach next time.

Behind this activity is a framework called LeMUR (Leveraging Large Language Models to Understand Recognized Speech), which applies Large Language Models to spoken data.

Real-World AI Sales Success Story

Speech AI is already being implemented by today's leading companies like Jiminny who leveraged Speech AI to secure 15% higher win rates for their customers.

Jiminny is a platform designed to improve sales performance by offering a suite of tools that includes CRM automation, coaching, and conversation intelligence. It aims to help sales teams analyze customer interactions, streamline administrative tasks, and enhance coaching and training processes to drive better sales outcomes.

Jiminny uses AssemblyAI's models to power many of its key features:

  • AI insights for data-driven coaching tools
  • Communication tools for better alignment across teams
  • Pipeline visibility tools for improved forecasting accuracy and deal prioritization
  • Forecasting tools to boost win rates and revenue
  • Customer persona tools for increased customer knowledge, satisfaction, retention, and upselling opportunities

With the transformative power of Speech AI, Jiminny helped their customers see better results.

By leveraging Speech AI technology, you can drive more efficiency, precision, and insights that traditional methods simply can't match. Today's AI models offer a faster way to bring value to end users without compromising the quality of your platform.