Niels Swimberghe

Niels is a developer educator at AssemblyAI, a blogger at Swimburger.NET, and a Microsoft MVP focusing on C# .NET.

Console output of the .NET Rocks! Q&A application
Ask .NET Rocks! questions with Semantic Kernel, GPT, and Chroma DB

Develop an application that answers questions about .NET Rocks! using Semantic Kernel, GPT models, Chroma DB, and AssemblyAI transcriptions.

JavaScript sample for transcribing an audio file using LlamaIndex.TS
Announcing the AssemblyAI integration for LlamaIndex.TS

Transcribe audio files in your LlamaIndex.TS applications using the new AssemblyAI speech-to-text integration.

JavaScript sample for transcribing an audio file using LlamaIndex.TS
How to integrate spoken audio into LlamaIndex.TS using AssemblyAI

Learn how to apply LLMs to speech with AssemblyAI's new integration for LlamaIndex.TS, using TypeScript and Node.js.

Cloudflare logo
Transcribe audio to text on Cloudflare Workers with AssemblyAI and TypeScript

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create an application that transcribes the audio files (and video files) to text. You'll create a TypeScript backend on top of Cloudflare Workers and use the AssemblyAI APIs to transcribe the audio.

TypeScript code to transcribe an audio file and log it to the console.
Announcing the AssemblyAI Node SDK 2.0

We're thrilled to release version 2.0 of the AssemblyAI Node SDK. The SDK has been rewritten from scratch using TypeScript and provides easy-to-use access to our API.