Video Transcription

Caption, categorize, and moderate video content

Learn more about how the AssemblyAI API can transcribe and analyze virtual meeting recordings from industry-wide platforms like Zoom.


Screenloop use AssemblyAI to power interactive videos

Screenloop, an interactive video solution provider, uses AssemblyAI's Core Transcription and Audio Intelligence features to enable customers worldwide to create interactive videos to boost user engagement.

Contact sales

Changing our transcript provider to AssemblyAI was probably one of the smartest decisions we made. Not only the accuracy is better but they support cutting edge features that can empower your product to do more. We did a benchmark across multiple providers and they were the clear winner. The team is great, super responsive and does a great job keeping us informed about new features and updates.


An API that adapts to your needs

Caption videos
Caption thousands of pre-recorded videos and live video feeds in seconds with human-level accuracy.
Analyze video data
Automatically segment and summarize video files to produce accessible, organized data sets.
Moderate content
Detect sensitive content in video files such as hate speech, violence, sensitive social issues, and more.

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