
Build Audio LLM Apps with AssemblyAI

Hey 👋, this weekly update contains the latest info on our new product features, tutorials, and our community LeMUR Cookbooks: Build Audio LLM Apps LeMUR is the easiest way to code applications that apply LLMs to speech. In just a few lines of code, you can search, summarize, ask questions, and generate text across your audio and video data. Check out the following popular LeMUR resources:  * Real-time Transcription with LeMUR. * Detecting scam calls with LeMUR. * Processing Speaker Label

Build Audio LLM Apps with AssemblyAI

Hey đź‘‹, this weekly update contains the latest info on our new product features, tutorials, and our community

LeMUR Cookbooks: Build Audio LLM Apps

LeMUR is the easiest way to code applications that apply LLMs to speech. In just a few lines of code, you can searchsummarizeask questions, and generate text across your audio and video data. Check out the following popular LeMUR resources

You can also try LeMUR in AssemblyAI's playground.

🔥 Free Python Course: Build an Audio AI App (1K+ Signups)

The in-depth 4+ hour video course "Build An Audio AI App" created by Talk Python is now available! Learn how to build a speech AI app with podcast audio using AssemblyAI's speech-to-text and LeMUR's LLM capabilities. The course covers creating transcripts from audio, building a search engine on transcripts, leveraging LeMUR for summarization and Q&A, and more. Check our blog for full details.

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