
7 LLM use cases and applications in 2024

Learn about the top LLM use cases and applications in 2024 for streamlining business operations, automating mundane tasks, and tackling challenges.

7 LLM use cases and applications in 2024

Large Language Models (LLMs) are powerful models reshaping how we interact with machines—streamlining business operations, automating mundane tasks, and uncovering deep insights faster than ever.

Gone are the days when AI's responses were rigid and predictable. Now, LLMs can create content, write stories, solve complex problems, and even mimic human-like conversations with uncanny accuracy.

Below, we'll walk you through all the top LLM use cases and applications in 2024.

What is an LLM (and what do you use it for)?

Large Language Models decipher and generate human language on a massive scale. These sophisticated algorithms process and understand text in ways that mirror human cognition.

LLMs operate on neural networks designed to mimic the human brain's way of learning. These models undergo extensive training processes, absorbing vast datasets of text to learn the nuances of language. Through this process, one of the common tasks LLMs are trained to achieve is predicting the next word in a sentence. Equipped with this skill, LLMs can understand natural language well enough to comprehend context from natural language and generate coherent responses to prompts.

LLMs have shifted how we approach information, communication, and creativity. Their development from basic models to complex systems like GPT-4 illustrates a growing capacity that stretches beyond mere text processing to encompass a broad spectrum of applications:

  • Versatility of applications: Apart from being good at simple tasks, LLMs can achieve varied tasks on natural language like text generation and summarization and eventually be used for applications in medical or legal areas.
  • Human productivity boost: LLMs free up valuable time for creative and strategic thinking by streamlining tasks like content creation, coding, data analysis, and research, as well as more tedious, repetitive types of everyday tasks. 
  • Accessibility: LLMs serve as a bridge between the vast amounts of data available and actionable insights (making information more accessible and manageable).
  • Interactivity at scale: LLMs lend themselves well to creating interactive tools and have given rise to advanced chatbots, virtual assistants, and educational tools. These applications leverage the models' language understanding to provide users with personalized and engaging experiences.

However, accessing and using these LLMs for practical application can be challenging. 

LeMUR (Leveraging Large Language Models to Understand Recognized Speech) is a cutting-edge platform that acts as a bridge between users and a wide array of LLMs, making it easier for users and businesses to build with LLMs. This tool provides a unified interface to enable developers and businesses to leverage the power of LLMs without the need for extensive AI expertise or resources.

With a single API call and a few lines of code, you can use LeMUR to accomplish complicated tasks for your audio-driven LLM apps:

  • Summarize video meetings
  • Ask questions about phone calls or podcasts
  • Extract valuable insights
  • Generate a list of action items from virtual meetings
  • Discern call outcomes like sales, appointments, or call purposes
  • Define your own tasks and prompts

Top LLM use cases and applications

From transforming how we interact with digital content to revolutionizing customer service, LLMs are reshaping how businesses operate and how we go about our daily lives. Their versatility enables everything from brand-new products and services to improved operational efficiencies.

Below, we look at some of the most compelling LLM use cases and applications in 2024 (and beyond):

1. Audio data analysis

LLMs are redefining how we handle audio data, turning hours of recordings into actionable insights we can use. These models unlock new levels of efficiency by generating summaries, extracting key points, and answering queries about meetings, phone calls, videos, or podcasts.

Corporations can use audio data analysis to streamline decision-making processes based on comprehensive meeting insights. They can examine massive amounts of sales calls to learn what's working (and what's not) and quickly learn about real customer concerns and questions through support channels.

2. Content creation

LLMs empower writers, marketers, and creatives by generating initial drafts, suggesting edits, or producing complete articles, reports, and creative works. This functionality accelerates the content creation process and allows humans to focus on strategic and creative aspects rather than the mechanical elements of writing.

It's a game-changer for content-heavy industries, boosting productivity without compromising quality.

3. Customer support

LLMs are transforming customer support by providing automated (yet deeply personalized) responses to inquiries. This technology enables businesses to offer 24/7 support without extensive human resources, improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Beyond handling common queries, LLMs can understand context, analyze sentiment, and escalate complex issues. This ensures a seamless support experience without a massive investment.

4. Language translation and localization

LLMs help break down language barriers and empower your business to reach a global audience. These models offer real-time, accurate translation and localization services, making websites, applications, and digital content universally accessible.

LLMs try to understand cultural nuances to provide localized content that's both translated and contextually appropriate. This enables businesses to facilitate global expansion and cross-cultural communication at scale.

5. Customer sentiment analysis

LLMs can be trained to understand textual and voice sentiment to better respond to customer concerns and needs. They can also be used to analyze customer feedback, reviews, and social media mentions at scale to gain insights into public perception and emerging trends.

This LLM use case helps with everything from reputation management to product development and marketing strategies—helping your business stay ahead of the curve.

6. Education and training

LLMs can be used to provide personalized education and training by adapting content to meet the individual needs of learners. They can offer tutoring, generate practice questions, and offer explanations tailored to what students are learning (or struggling with).

This LLM use case makes education more accessible and practical. It helps create everything from textbooks to interactive online courses, democratizing education for learners worldwide.

7. Cybersecurity

Businesses can use LLMs to analyze and interpret large volumes of cybersecurity data to better anticipate, identify, and respond to potential security threats. LLMs learn the context and nuances of cybersecurity alerts to enable faster, more accurate threat detection and response—strengthening the security posture of your business.

How to drive operational efficiency with LLMs

Operational efficiency isn't just a goal—it's a necessity. Fortunately, LLMs can help you streamline operations, enhance productivity, and foster innovation without sacrificing your budget or other to-dos.

Your business can seamlessly integrate LLMs into its workflows to automate routine tasks, improve decision-making processes, and stimulate creativity. Here's how:

Automate routine tasks

Your business can leverage these models to manage emails efficiently, auto-generate reports, and handle customer service inquiries without human intervention. This automation extends beyond simple tasks to allow for the dynamic generation of content that meets specific guidelines or answers complex customer queries with high accuracy.

Your company can significantly enhance its productivity and operational efficiency by using LLMs to reallocate human resources from routine tasks to more strategic roles.

Improve decision-making

Data is the lifeblood of modern business strategy, yet the sheer volume of information can overwhelm even the most robust analytics teams. LLMs excel in digesting, summarizing, and analyzing large datasets, extracting actionable insights to inform business decisions.

Whether summarizing market research, conducting sentiment analysis on customer feedback, or synthesizing financial reports, LLMs can provide your team with a distilled view of vast data landscapes. This capability supports better-informed decision-making to ensure your strategies are grounded in comprehensive data analysis.

Boost creativity and innovation

One of the most exciting applications of LLMs is their ability to augment human creativity and innovation. LLMs can suggest novel ideas, propose alternative solutions to problems, and inspire creative content generation. This process isn't just about generating content or ideas out of thin air—it's about enhancing the creative process with diverse, AI-driven perspectives.

For businesses, this means the potential to uncover innovative solutions to challenges, create captivating marketing content, or even devise entirely new products or services that could redefine the market.

Start building LLM applications on your voice data

LLMs are crucial to unlocking unprecedented operational efficiencies, enhancing decision-making, and stimulating creativity across various sectors. While we've covered a few of the most prevalent LLM use cases and applications, it's just scratching the surface—there are many ways (explored and unexplored) to use these advanced AI models to streamline and transform your business.

Explore LLM capabilities in our LeMUR playground