Deep Learning

Text Segmentation - Approaches, Datasets, and Evaluation Metrics

In this post, we give an overview of the best approaches, datasets, and evaluation metrics commonly used for the task of Text Segmentation.

Text Segmentation - Approaches, Datasets, and Evaluation Metrics

Introduction to Text Segmentation

Text Segmentation is the task of splitting text into meaningful segments. These segments can be composed of words, sentences, or topics. In this post, we look at a specific type of Text Segmentation task - Topic Segmentation, which divides a long body of text into segments that correspond to a distinct topic or subtopic.

For example, consider an hour-long podcast transcription generated by an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. The transcription can be lengthy and, as a result it can be easy to lose track of which sentence you're currently reading. Automatic Topic Segmentation solves this problem by dividing the text into multiple segments, making the transcription more readable.

Figure: Topic Segmentation

Types of Text Formats

There are different types of text we may want to segment. For example:

  • Written text like blogs, articles, news, etc.
  • Transcription of TV news, where a single person is talking
  • Transcription of a podcast where more than one person is talking
  • Transcription of phone calls (e.g., call center)
  • Transcription of an online meeting where many people are talking

The above list is ordered based on the level of noise the text may contain (i.e., typos, grammatical errors, or incorrect usage of words in the case of automatic transcription). Noise is an important factor to consider when predicting topics because it contributes to the quality of the segments predicted by the Topic Segmentation models. We will discuss this more in later sections.

Since blogs and articles are mostly typed on a computer, they contain the least amount of noise.

Transcriptions of online meetings, for example, contain the highest level of noise since there may be several people speaking with different quality microphones, with different accents and over varying internet connection quality, which can cause accuracy issues with ASR systems. On the other hand, TV News Reports and Podcasts are usually recorded with studio-quality microphones, so there is far less noise compared to online meetings, which results in much more accurate text transcriptions.

Use Cases for Topic Segmentation

Now that we know what Topic Segmentation is, and the types of text formats we are working with, here are some real-life use cases:

  • Readability: One of the main reasons we want to split text into multiple paragraph-sized segments is readability. Consider this blog post without any section names, paragraphs, or breaks. The long string of text makes it much harder to read. An Automatic Topic Segmentation model can be used to break down long, continuous text into bite-sized information so it is easier for the reader to consume.
  • Summarization: Text Summarization helps the reader to summarize any given text. However, if the text deals with multiple topics, it can be challenging for the Text Summarization model to capture all the topics in the summary. A Topic Segmentation model can make it easier to generate a summary for each segment in bullet points, covering all the topics or themes in a given text.
  • Turning News Reports into Articles: Today, news reports are often distributed through multiple channels that require different formats, including videos and written formats (like articles or blog posts). To reuse a news report video as an article or blog, we can transcribe the video using a Speech-to-Text API like the one we build at AssemblyAI,  and apply Topic Segmentation to the transcription. This will help to  organize the article into a more readable format for the readers.
  • Information Retrieval: Given a large amount of text documents, we can cluster text that belongs to the same topic. Once our documents are segmented by topic, we can easily extract the information we need from each document.
  • AI Writing Assistant: For AI writing assistants like Grammarly, Topic Segmentation can be used to suggest to writers when to start a new paragraph, making their writing more readable

Methods for Topic Segmentation and Evaluation Metrics

Before jumping into discussing the existing methods for Automatic Topic Segmentation, let's first investigate a potential solution to the topic segmentation problem and look at evaluation metrics for segmentation accuracy.

To recap, in Automatic Topic Segmentation, our goal is to segment text by the topic/subtopic. An Automatic Topic Segmentation model would classify each sentence in a document and determine whether it is a boundary sentence (i.e., the last sentence of a paragraph). In other words, we can think of Topic Segmentation as a binary classification problem, where we classify each sentence and determine if it is a boundary sentence.

Figure: Topic Segmentation as Binary Classification

Now that we have established an understanding of the Topic Segmentation problem, let's discuss its evaluation metrics. The most commonly used metrics are:

  • Precision & Recall
  • Pk
  • WindowDiff

Precision & Recall

Since this is a binary classification problem, you might be tempted to use Precision & Recall as an evaluation metric. However, there are some challenges with using Precision & Recall for this type of classification problem. Let's first understand what Precision & Recall mean in relation to Topic Segmentation.

Precision: percentage of boundaries identified by the model that are true boundaries

Recall: percentage of true boundaries identified by the model

However, the main challenge with Precision & Recall is that they are not sensitive to near misses. To understand what a near miss is, let's consider two Topic Segmentation models A-0 and A-1. In the following figure, the Ref is the ground truth and each of the blocks represent a sentence. The vertical lines indicate a topic/subtopic segmentation boundary.

Figure: Ground truth and output of segmentation algorithms

From the figure, you can clearly see the prediction made by model A-0 is pretty close to the ground truth. This is called a near miss, where the prediction is off by one or two sentences. On the other hand, the prediction made by model A-1 is pretty far from the ground truth. Technically, model A-0 should be penalized significantly less than model A-1. But that is not the case, both models get the same Precision & Recall score. This is because Precision & Recall do not consider how close or far away the boundary predictions are.

Pk Score

To solve the challenges with Precision & Recall, the Pk score was introduced by Beeferemen et al (1997).

Pk is calculated by using a sliding window-based method. The window size is usually set to half of the average true segment number. While sliding the window, the algorithm determines whether the two ends of the window are in the same or different segments in the ground truth segmentation, and increases a counter if there is a mismatch. The final score is calculated by scaling the penalty between 0 and 1 and dividing the number of measurements.

Figure: Sliding window over reference and predictions (Pevzner and Hearst - 2002)

A model that predicts all the boundaries correctly gets a score of 0. So the lower the score, the better.

Challenges with the Pk Evaluation Metric:

  • False negatives are penalized more than false positives.
  • Does not take the number of boundaries into consideration. If there are multiple boundaries inside the window, Pk doesn't consider that.
  • Sensitive to the variation in segment size.
  • Near-miss errors are penalized too much.


WindowDiff was introduced to solve the challenges with the Pk score. This is also calculated by a sliding window. In this case, for each position of the window of size k, we simply compare how many boundaries are in the ground truth, and how many boundaries are predicted by the Topic Segmentation model.

Figure: Equation for calculating WindowDiff score

Here, b(i, j) is a function that returns the number of boundaries between two positions i and j in the text. N represents the number of sentences in the text.

In practice, both Pk and WindowDiff scores are used to evaluate a model. A lower score means predictions are closer to the actual boundaries. For a more detailed comparison of these metrics and exactly how WindowDiff score solves the challenges with Pk, you can refer to Pevzner et al (2002).

Methods for Topic Segmentation

In this section, we take a look at the most common methods of Topic Segmentation, which can be divided into mainly two groups - Supervised & Unsupervised.

Supervised Approaches

Supervised approaches are pretty straightforward - We take a labelled dataset and then we try to fit a model on it. This works well when we have a domain-specific segmentation task and the dataset belongs to the same domain. For example, if we know that our model will be seeing texts similar to Wikipedia at inference time, then training a model on Wiki-727k will produce the best result. However, it will perform worse if used in other domains, for example on a news article  or transcriptions of meetings.

In the supervised approach, we want to classify each sentence to determine whether it is a boundary sentence or not. Here is how the pipeline works at high level:

  1. Take text as input
  2. Extract all the sentences from the text, i.e., segment the text into sentences. (You can use libraries like nltk, stanza, trankit etc. for this task)
  3. Classify each sentence--this will be a binary classification

One important thing to note is that we're taking input at a word level and predicting on a sentence level. This means we need to convert the word-level representation (embeddings) to the sentence level. We can add the embeddings of all the tokens in a sentence to get an aggregated representation. This will give us sentence-level embeddings.

Figure: Calculation of sentence embeddings from word embedding

Additionally, if we use a model like BERT for this, we can get the embedding of the [CLS] token instead of aggregating all the word embeddings in a sentence. This is because in BERT, the [CLS] token aggregates the representation of the whole sequence.

Next, we pass the embeddings to a bidirectional LSTM or a Transformer and calculate softmax over the output. Using a bidirectional LSTM/Transformer is a good idea here because it will enable the model to look at both the left and right context of the sentence before making a decision.

Figure: Boundary sentence classifier model

The LSTM based approach described above is actually used in Koshorek et al., which achieved a 22.13 Pk score on the Wiki-727k dataset.

Glavas et al. (2020) proposed a Transformer-based model which holds the current State-of-the-Art result on datasets like Wiki-727k, CHOI, Elements & Cities etc. They used two-level Transformers: one at token-level and another one at sentence-level. On top of it, the prediction objective was augmented with an auxiliary coherence modeling objective. The key idea is that text coherence is related to text segmentation. This means a text within a segment is expected to be more coherent than the text in a different segment.

Unsupervised Approaches

Unsupervised approaches neither have a learning phase nor labelled data. Therefore, unsupervised approaches leverage different techniques for Topic Segmentation, such as:

  • Lexical Cohesion
  • Topic Modeling
  • Graph
  • Similarity Measurement

We will cover how these approaches work at a high level.

Lexical Cohesion

A group of words is “lexically cohesive” if they are semantically related. The level of lexical cohesion is determined by the lexical frequency and distribution, and there are algorithms that exploit lexical cohesion to segment the text. The idea is that when there is a subtopic shift, the lexical cohesion will be lower between two blocks of text, and we can segment the text based on that.

TextTiling: TextTiling was introduced by Hearst (1997) and is one of the first unsupervised topic segmentation algorithms. It's a moving window-based approach that uses lexical cohesion between blocks of text to detect topic boundaries.

The algorithm has three main components:

  • First, it divides the input text into sequences of relevant tokens and calculates the cohesion at each potential boundary point.
  • It then uses these cohesion scores to produce depth scores for each potential boundary point that has a lower cohesion than the neighboring boundary points.
  • Using these depth scores, the algorithm is able to select boundary points where the depth is low relative to the other depth scores, indicating that the gap represents a topic shift in the text.

LCseg: LCseg was introduced by Galley et al. (2003) for segmenting multiparty conversations. The algorithm uses lexical cohesion to segment topics, and it can handle both speech and text. The core algorithm of LCseg has two main parts:

  • A method to identify and weight strong term repetitions using lexical chains.
  • A method to hypothesize topic boundaries given the knowledge of multiple, simultaneous chains of term repetitions.

Topic Modeling

TopicTiling: This algorithm is similar to TextTiling except it uses a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic model for segmentation. Conceptually, it's simpler since it does not have to account for the sparsity of word-based features. Topic IDs generated by an LDA Topic Model are used instead of words.

Graph Based

GraphSeg: Glavas et al. (2016) proposes a graph-based algorithm to directly capture the semantic relatedness between segments, instead of approximating it with topical similarity. Each node of the graph is a sentence and edges are created for pairs of semantically related sentences. Coherent segments are then determined by finding maximal cliques of the relatedness graph.

Similarity Based

Cosine Similarity: A window-based approach similar to TextTiling can be used to measure cosine similarity between two blocks of text. And the text can be represented with BERT contextual embeddings, which works significantly better than a simple bag-of-words or word2vec embeddings. For example, Solbiati et al (2021) uses embeddings from sentence-BERT, which has a siamese and triplet network structure and provides richer sentence-level embeddings.


Here is a list of common datasets for Topic Segmentation:

TDT Corpus (1998)

  • Topic Detection and Tracking (TDT) is a DARPA-sponsored initiative to investigate the State-of-the-Art results in Topic Detection.
  • The dataset has 16,000 news stories - half taken from Reuters newswire, and the other half taken from a CNN broadcast news transcript.
  • Dataset:

CHOI (2000)

Galley Dataset (2003)

  • Also an artificially generated corpus.
  • Contains two corpora, each one having 500 documents.
  • Compared to CHOI, the segments vary from 4 to 22 segments.

Elements and Cities (2009)

  • Chen et al. (2009) created these two small datasets from Wikipedia-based cities and elements.
  • Commonly used for the evaluation of Topic Segmentation models.

Wiki727k (2018)

Malach Corpus (2019)

  • This corpus consists of over 115,000 hours of natural speech from 52,000 speakers in 32 different languages.
  • 10% of this dataset has been manually segmented for the Topic Segmentation task.
  • Dataset:

QMSum (2021)

  • This dataset is mainly for text summarization tasks, constructed from a transcribed version of the AMI meeting corpus and ICSI.
  • The transcriptions are also segmented based on topic or subtopic shift.
  • This is a very good dataset if you want to evaluate your Topic Segmentation model against spoken text like dialogue, conversation, and meetings.
  • Dataset:

Key Takeaways

  • Segmenting text based on topics or subtopics can significantly improve the readability of text, and makes downstream tasks like summarization or information retrieval much easier.
  • The main ways to evaluate a Text Segmentation model is through the Precision & Recall, Pk, and WindowDiff evaluation metrics.
  • Depending on the task at hand, both supervised and unsupervised model training methods provide viable options for building good performing Text Segmentation models.
